Terms and conditions

1. Applicability

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers made by LNGVTY and to all agreements entered into with LNGVTY.

1.2 In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, specific Supplementary Terms may apply to certain services and/or products when explicitly stated.

1.3 Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only valid if expressly agreed upon in writing. In such cases, the remaining provisions of these terms remain fully in force.

1.4 If the Buyer refers to their own general terms and conditions, such conditions shall not apply unless explicitly agreed upon in writing by LNGVTY.

1.5 "Buyer" refers to any visitor of the website, as well as any natural or legal person who is or will be in a contractual relationship with LNGVTY in any form.

1.6 LNGVTY reserves the right to modify or supplement these terms from time to time.

1.7 By using the LNGVTY website and/or placing an order, the Buyer accepts these General Terms and Conditions, along with all rights and obligations as stated on the website.

1.8 LNGVTY is entitled to engage third parties for the execution of agreements with the Buyer. Specifically, this includes the use of third-party services for external (medical) assessments, such as conducting and analysing a DEXA scan, as well as the provision and analysis of (medical) products, including blood tests.

2. Offers and formation of agreements

2.1 Offers or quotations should be regarded as an invitation to potential Buyers to submit an offer. LNGVTY is in no way bound by these unless explicitly confirmed in writing. The acceptance of this invitation by a potential Buyer qualifies as an offer and will only result in the formation of an agreement if the conditions in this article are met.

2.2 Offers are valid while stocks last.

2.3 An offer by a potential Buyer, as referred to in Article 2.1, is considered made in one of the following circumstances:

The potential Buyer has clearly specified which product and/or service they wish to receive.

The potential Buyer has entered the required details in the designated form on the website and submitted the corresponding data ("order form") electronically to LNGVTY, where it has been received.

2.4 An agreement is established at the moment an order confirmation is sent to the Buyer via email to the email address provided by the Buyer.

2.5 The Buyer and LNGVTY explicitly agree that a legally binding agreement is formed through the use of electronic communication, provided the conditions in Article 2.3 and 2.4 are met. The absence of a physical signature does not affect the validity of the offer and its acceptance. To the extent permitted by law, the electronic records of LNGVTY shall serve as sufficient evidence of the agreement.

2.6 All information, images, verbal statements, telephone or email communications, and product descriptions related to offers and key product features are presented as accurately as possible. However, LNGVTY does not guarantee that all offers and products fully correspond to the provided information. Any discrepancies shall not be grounds for compensation and/or contract termination.

3. Prices

3.1 All prices are stated in Euros, in accordance with legal regulations, and include value-added tax (VAT).

3.2 Special offers are only valid for the duration specified in the offer. This period is clearly indicated on the website for each special offer.

3.3 The Buyer is obligated to pay the price confirmed by LNGVTY in accordance with Article 2.4 of these terms and conditions. Obvious errors or manipulations in pricing, such as clear inaccuracies, may be corrected by LNGVTY even after the agreement has been established.

3.4 Delivery costs are not included in the price. The applicable delivery charges are stated on the website.

4. Payment

4.1 Orders placed via the website can be paid using the following methods:

  • iDEAL
  • Creditcard (Visa en Mastercard)
  • Paypal

LNGVTY may expand its payment options in the future. Any additional payment methods will be announced on the website.

4.2 If LNGVTY has agreed to a payment term, the Buyer is considered in default once this term has expired. Payment terms can only be agreed upon in writing under mutually determined and agreed conditions.

4.3 If payment is made using a credit card, the terms and conditions of the respective card issuer apply. LNGVTY is not a party to the relationship between the Buyer and the card issuer.

4.4 If the Buyer fails to pay or does not pay on time, a formal reminder procedure will be initiated.

4.5 The Buyer is also responsible for all (extra)judicial costs incurred by LNGVTY as a result of the Buyer's failure to meet their (payment) obligations.

4.6 In case of late payment, LNGVTY reserves the right to immediately terminate the agreement or suspend (further) delivery until the Buyer has fully met their payment obligations, including any additional costs.

5. Delivery and delivery time

5.1 Orders for products are shipped as soon as possible after payment. LNGVTY aims to deliver within three (3) business days after payment to the specified delivery address. However, this delivery time is only an estimate and should not be considered a strict deadline. LNGVTY may provide additional information regarding delivery times on its website, through its locations, or via written communication. Such information is for indicative purposes only.

5.2 If a product that is temporarily out of stock is ordered by the Buyer, the estimated availability date will be indicated. Any delays will be communicated to the Buyer via email or telephone.

5.3 Once the ordered products have been delivered to the specified delivery address, the risk of loss or damage transfers to the Buyer.

6. Returns and right of withdrawal en Recht van ontbinding

6.1 The Buyer is required to carefully inspect the products immediately upon receipt. If eligible (see Articles 6.3 – 6.5), the Buyer may return the unopened and undamaged item and receive a refund.

For consumer-Buyers who have purchased via the website or through electronic communication, a Right of Withdrawal applies. This allows the consumer-Buyer to cancel the purchase without penalty and without stating a reason within fourteen (14) calendar days after the product has been delivered.

If the consumer-Buyer wishes to exercise this right, they must notify LNGVTY within the withdrawal period by sending an email to support@lngvty.health or by clearly stating their request for "return" in another unambiguous way. The consumer-Buyer must return the product to LNGVTY within fourteen (14) days from the day after they notified their withdrawal.

Returns should be sent to the following address:

Herenstraat 12, 1211 CB Hilversum

The return shipping costs are the responsibility of the Buyer.

6.2 If the consumer-Buyer exercises the Right of Withdrawal, LNGVTY will process the refund within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the withdrawal was notified. LNGVTY reserves the right to delay the refund until the product has been received, or until the consumer-Buyer provides proof of return shipment, whichever occurs first.

6.3 Products that are not eligible for return include items that, by their nature, cannot be resold or reused, such as used blood tests or other consumable medical products that have been opened or used. These items do not qualify for a refund and cannot be returned.

7. Cancelling or rescheduling appointments within the health monitoring programme and external examinations and/or programmes

7.1 If the Buyer terminates participation in the Health Monitoring Programme (which consists of multiple components) after it has started, there will be no entitlement to a refund, transfer to another programme, or replacement by another participant.

7.2 For services purchased online that require LNGVTY to incur costs—such as participation in externally conducted examinations and/or programmes—specific cancellation and rescheduling policies apply:

If the Buyer needs to cancel or reschedule an already booked external examination or programme, only an administrative fee of €200 per cancelled examination/programme will be charged if the request is made at least 20 business days before the scheduled date.

After this period, the following cancellation/rescheduling fees apply:

20 business days before the scheduled date: 25% of the total cost

15 business days before the scheduled date: 50% of the total cost

10 business days before the scheduled date: 75% of the total cost

5 business days or less before the scheduled date: 100% of the total cost

7.3 Full costs for external examinations and/or programmes will always be charged if the third-party provider requires upfront payment and these costs cannot be refunded to LNGVTY. LNGVTY will clearly inform the Buyer on the website before purchasing this type of service.

7.4 Rescheduling, changing, or cancelling other individual appointments within the Health Monitoring Programme, such as consultations with the supervising physician, is free of charge once per Buyer. If an appointment needs to be rescheduled more than once, an administrative fee of €50 (excluding VAT) per request will be charged by LNGVTY.

7.1 Als de Koper na aanvang van het Health Monitoring Programma (met meerdere onderdelen) de deelname tussentijds beëindigt, bestaat er geen recht op terugbetaling of instroom in een ander programma, of vervanging door een andere deelnemer.

7.2 Voor diensten die door Koper online worden afgenomen en waarvoor LNGVTY kosten moet maken om deze te verrichten, zoals deelname aan een door derde partijen uit te voeren extern onderzoek en/of programma, geldt dat als de Koper genoodzaakt is om reeds ingekochte en ingeplande externe onderzoeken of andere programma’s te annuleren/verzetten, LNGVTY hiervoor tot 20 werkdagen voor de geplande datum enkel de administratiekosten van €200,- per geannuleerd onderzoek en/of programma in rekening brengt. Daarna zijn hier de volgende kosten aan verbonden: voor annuleringen/verzettingen vanaf 20 werkdagen voorafgaand aan de geplande datum wordt 25% van de kosten in rekening gebracht, vanaf 15 werkdagen voorafgaand aan de geplande datum 50%, vanaf 10 werkdagen 75%, vanaf 5 werkdagen 100%.

7.3 LNGVTY brengt altijd de volledige kosten van externe onderzoeken en/of programma’s in rekening als de derde partij die deze onderzoeken en/of programma’s uitvoert vooraf wordt betaald en deze kosten door LNGVTY niet kunnen worden teruggevorderd. LNGVTY zal de Koper op de website nadrukkelijk informeren voordat dit type dienstverlening wordt afgenomen.

7.4 Het verzetten/wisselen/annuleren van overige individuele afspraken in het kader van het Health Monitoring Programma door LNGVTY, zoals afspraken met de begeleidend arts, is per Koper eenmalig kosteloos. Als afspraken vaker dan één keer door LNGVTY moeten worden aangepast brengt LNGVTY per verzoek €50,- (exclusief BTW) administratiekosten in rekening.

8. Retention of ownership

8.1 Ownership of the products shall only transfer to the Buyer once the Buyer has fully settled all outstanding amounts related to any agreement with LNGVTY. This includes the payment of interest, costs, and any charges related to past or future deliveries, as well as any services performed or to be performed concerning the products.

8.2 Until ownership has officially transferred to the Buyer, the products may not be pledged, sold, resold, transferred, or otherwise encumbered in any way.

9. Liability

9.1 LNGVTY is never liable for any damages to the Buyer or third parties unless in cases of intentional misconduct or gross negligence on the part of LNGVTY. LNGVTY is not responsible for consequential damages, business losses, indirect damages, or loss of profits or revenue, unless mandatory legal provisions dictate otherwise.

9.2 If LNGVTY is, for any reason, required to compensate damages, the compensation will never exceed either:

The invoice value of the product or service that caused the damage, or

The amount covered by LNGVTY’s insurance policy, whichever is applicable, unless mandatory legal provisions dictate otherwise.

9.3 Despite LNGVTY’s continuous efforts to provide accurate and up-to-date information on its website, some content may be incomplete or incorrect.

9.4 The information on the website is regularly updated and modified. LNGVTY reserves the right to implement changes immediately and without prior notice.

9.5 The Buyer agrees to indemnify LNGVTY against any claims made by third parties related to the execution of the agreement, unless legal provisions prohibit the Buyer from being held responsible for the associated damages and costs.

9.6 LNGVTY may include links to external websites that could be of interest or informative to visitors. These links are purely for informational purposes. LNGVTY is not responsible for the content of these external websites or how they are used.

9.7 For all products and services purchased from LNGVTY, the Buyer may reasonably expect that they perform as described.

9.8 If sports or other physically demanding activities are part of the Buyer’s programme, the Buyer is personally responsible for assessing their physical ability and fitness to participate. Before engaging in such activities, LNGVTY requires participants to sign a health declaration. LNGVTY explicitly excludes any liability for damages resulting from participation in such activities, both for the Buyer and other participants.

9.9 If the Buyer participates in the Health Monitoring Programme, LNGVTY is not liable for damages resulting from:

- Incorrect, incomplete, or late information provided by the Buyer. The Buyer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of all essential information for the programme.

- Following recommendations or applying knowledge gained from test results. The Buyer remains responsible for their own decisions based on the provided insights and advice.

10. Force majeure

10.1 In the event of force majeure, LNGVTY is not obligated to fulfill its commitments to the Buyer. The obligations will be suspended for the duration of the force majeure situation.

10.2 Force majeure refers to any circumstance beyond LNGVTY’s control that prevents the full or partial fulfillment of its obligations to the Buyer. These circumstances include, but are not limited to: strikes, fires, business disruptions, pandemics, natural disasters, energy failures, delays or non-delivery by suppliers or third parties, and the absence of required governmental permits.

Additionally, force majeure includes disruptions in telecommunications networks or connections, failures of communication systems, and any unavailability of the website at any given time.

11. Intellectual property

11.1 The Buyer expressly acknowledges that all intellectual property rights related to the information, communications, or other expressions concerning the products and/or the website belong to LNGVTY, its suppliers, or other rightful owners.

11.2 Intellectual property rights include patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, design rights, and other intellectual property rights. This also encompasses sui generis rights on databases, as well as technical and/or commercial know-how, methods, and concepts—whether patentable or not.

11.3 The Buyer is prohibited from using or modifying any of the intellectual property rights described in this article, including but not limited to reproduction, without the explicit prior written consent of LNGVTY, its suppliers, or other rightful owners.

ng, zonder uitdrukkelijke voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van LNGVTY, haar toeleveranciers of andere rechthebbenden.

12. Personal data

12.1 LNGVTY will process the Buyer's data solely in accordance with its internal privacy policy. The website includes a Privacy Statement [insert hyperlink], where the Buyer can learn more about how LNGVTY handles the processing of personal data.

13. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

13.1 All offers and agreements are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

13.2 The applicability of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is explicitly excluded.

13.3 Any disputes related to or arising from LNGVTY’s offers or agreements shall be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam, unless mandatory law specifies a different competent court.

14. Miscellaneous

14.1 LNGVTY B.V. is registered at Herenstraat 12, 1211 CB Hilversum, Netherlands, with Chamber of Commerce number 80759602 and VAT identification number NL861789957B01. All correspondence regarding agreements or these terms should be sent to LNGVTY B.V., Herenstraat 12, Hilversum, or to the email address provided on the website.

14.2 LNGVTY is committed to honest and transparent communication with its customers. However, we cannot always prevent third parties from misusing our name.

14.3 The website and all related content are the property of LNGVTY B.V. It is not permitted to copy or use any information from the site for personal or commercial purposes without explicit permission.

14.4 A VAT invoice is only available if the company details are provided at the time of payment.

14.5 The European Commission offers an online dispute resolution platform, which can be accessed here: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.